Subtitle 1
Vestibulum vel odio eget metus faucibus ullamcorper. Proin sodales urna quis velit. Mauris eros diam, egestas eu, consectetuer nec, semper sit amet, eros. Fusce ac libero. Aliquam sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras varius orci sed pede.
Course Number
Course Name
EDTC 6320 |
Educational Technology |
EDTC 6321 |
Instructional Design |
EDTC 6323 |
Multimedia/Hypermedia |
EDTC 6325 |
Educational Telecommunications |
EDTC 6329 |
Selected Topics in Educational Technology |
EDTC 6332 |
Practicum in Educational Technology |
EDFR 6300 |
Foundations of Research in Education |
EDCI 6304 |
Learning and Cognition |
EDCI 6301 |
Instructional Technology in Teaching |
EDCI 6390 |
Research Methods in Education |
EDTC 6350 |
The IT Consultant |
EDTC 6351 |
Web-Based Multimedia in Instruction |
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